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Start here. You're getting an upgrade!

Updated at August 23rd, 2021

Great news - your Zeta Account is being upgraded! To deliver the most delightful shared banking experience, we’re making changes to our infrastructure that will unlock better features for you, including:

  • Real-time transactions and alerts
  • In-app card controls including activating, locking and unlocking your card
  • Virtual cards for instant spending and increased privacy
  • More card transactions details and the ability to edit pending transactions
  • Fewer fees - we’re getting rid of overdraft and insufficient fund fees

Beginning August 23, 2021, you will be given the option to opt in to your new account. These new accounts will begin officially opening in mid-September. In the meantime, and even once your new account is open, you will retain access to your current Zeta Joint Cards account.

When the newly upgraded account is opened and you have your new cards in hand, we'll help you migrate from your current account to the new and improved experience!

What does this mean for you? Keep reading to find out more :)

If you'd rather skip ahead to another section, you can use the links here:

  1. Will I have access to both accounts at the same time?
  2. Why are we offering this upgrade?
  3. How do I opt-in?
  4. What to expect when your new card arrives?
  5. Automatic vs. Manual upgrade details
  6. Recurring payments, direct deposits, and third party apps

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