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Automatic vs. manual upgrade details

Updated at July 9th, 2021

Since your account and debit card numbers are changing, we will provide you with lots of helpful information to make the transition as smooth as possible.

When you choose the automatic upgrade path these items will instantly move over to your new account:

  • Goals
  • Bills in your Bill Reserve
  • Your rules and custom categories
  • Your linked accounts

Before we move your funds, we will check on a few things:

  • If you have outstanding checks with your old account, we'll hold back those funds for you to cover the checks once they are cashed
  • If you have outstanding ACH payments, we'll also hold those funds for you so the payments clear without issue

Once those items have been confirmed, we'll move your funds over. At this time, we'll also move your auto-saves and your incoming recurring transfers. (except for direct deposit which you can read about more here). Your partner will need to individually confirm that their recurring transfers should also be moved, so be sure they open the app to complete the upgrade!

If you choose the manual upgrade path, in addition to the information outlined above, your Concierge will set up a meeting with you to talk through all of your options. In addition, you and your Concierge can work together to move pieces over separately in whatever order you choose. This may come in handy if you want to use your old account to finish paying off an outstanding Goal or if you want to keep your Bill Reserve in your old account for a few extra days.

Once your upgrade has been completed, we'll help you locate any changes that you need to make outside of Zeta Joint Cards.

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